At the beginning of March, we spent time visiting four Central Asian countries, engaging in discussions about psychoactive substance treatment services, meeting with people, and visiting NGOs. Each country has its own unique characteristics, yet some of the challenges they face overlap. For instance, one common issue is the presence of Novel Psychoactive Substances, such as synthetic cathinones, but unfortunately, we lack sufficient data to discuss their prevalence accurately.

In Kyrgyzstan, a new foreign affairs law has been enacted, which is expected to have an impact on the NGO scene, potentially leading to the closure of many NGOs. In Kazakhstan, there is ongoing discussion regarding the continuation of the Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) program, which has been operating in the country for the past 15 years.

If you're interested in learning more about this region, please let us know. There are numerous fascinating harm reduction projects underway, and we would be delighted to connect you with the organizations involved in these efforts and working within the region.