Key GPHN Projects and Activities

We employ an inclusive approach, seeking to engage the widest possible range of stakeholders active in the public health and harm reduction arena. We want to work with people who deliver services and interventions, people who receive services and interventions, NGOs, community projects, advocacy groups, academics and policy makers. We all have things to learn from one another - and we want to help you to have the conversations that matter.

Information Sharing

Our goal is to help the members of our network share information about their projects, good practices, and ideas, and provide them with access to organized and relevant materials. We also support the visibility and online presence of NGOs.


Our goal is to spread knowledge and information about good practices in public health, based on evidence from harm reduction, for both experts and the public.

Public Events

We specialize in supporting and running international public health events for experts, policy-makers, academics, and NGOs. We work with global leaders in the public health and harm reduction fields.


Our network gives an opportunity for our community to exchange ideas. We organize conferences and events, and provide an online platform to exchange and promote ideas.

We Are Involved in the Following Projects and Activities

Events in Turkmenistan
Nov. 30, 2024, 7:35 a.m. • Kasia Kowalczyk
We have just returned from Turkmenistan, where we contributed to two events organized by the Central Asian Drug Action Programme

We have just returned from Turkmenistan, where we contributed to two events organized by the Central Asian Drug Action Programme: Regional Conference on "Strengthening the Capacity of Commun...

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Crackkonsum in den Städten and SOLID conferences
Nov. 24, 2024, 10:12 a.m. • Kasia Kowalczyk
The end of the year is extremely productive. We have just come back from Frankfur where we attended Crackkonsum in den Städten/Crack Use in the Cities' conference

The end of the year has been incredibly productive! We’ve just returned from Frankfurt, where we attended the Crackkonsum in den Städten / Crack Use in the Cities conference, organized by the Inst...

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6th European Harm Reduction Conference
Nov. 11, 2024, 5:28 p.m. • Kasia Kowalczyk
We are pleased to be one of the conference partners.

The 6th European Harm Reduction Conference will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of December in the vibrant city of Warsaw. Organized by the Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN...

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CHI 2021
City Health International Conference

City Health International was founded in 2012 as a network of individuals and organisations engaged in the study of, and response to, structural health issues and health behaviours in the urban environment.

Visit the website
Social work and strengthening NGOs

We are pleased to announce our involvement in the ‘Social work and strengthening NGOs in development cooperation to treat drug addiction’ (SOLID) project alongside multiple European partners.

Visit the website
Harm Reduction Database
Publications, knowledge base and e-learning courses

Our partner website - - collates and disseminates data and knowledge about harm reduction approaches and policies on drug use and related risks.

Visit the website
Promoting Evidence-Based Public Health

GPHN supports the Harm Reduction Journal. Watch Nick Crofts, HRJ editor-in-chief, presenting at the City Health 2020 Online conference.

Visit HRJ Watch Presentation
Research Center
Center for Research on Biological Basis of Social Behavior

We are pleased to announce our partnership with the BBSB Center. The main goal of the centre is to use biological, including evolutionary, perspectives to explain human social behaviour.

Visit the Website
Research and Studies

Links to study results and recent research projects in public health.